Friday, August 22, 2008

Skinema, The heavenly works of Chris Nieratko

So yesterday I was pretty hungover and didn't make it to work. Oops. My bad. Something good did come out of this situation though. I spent what i proclaim to be the best 20$ I've spent in years. I purchased a copy of Nieratko's Skinema.

I got to work today around 8:30, went straight to my bosses office to see what deeds he needed done for the day and he told me that I needed to create some employee files and that he would meet me in my office in a couple of minutes. It is now 11:00, my boss has hopefully forgotten I even exist. Lucky for me, it has given me a chance to read. After reading the introduction by Dave Carnie, certifying Chri$ Nieratko as a grade A asshole, I knew I was in for a good read. The book consists of compiled entries disguised as porno reviews. divulging the inner intricacies of his drug and alcohol abused mind, his fear of AIDS and Herpes, and all sorts of fun stuff about him fucking sluts. Buddy really likes anal. With entry titles like, "A Cum Sucking Whore Named Kimberly" and "Anal Mermaids" I'm kind of in literary heaven right now. Don't bother trying to contact me while I'm at work today.. I'm busy
The caption under the flick of Shimizu says, "My friend Daniel Shimizu demonstrates why Asians are superior: they refuse to get tattoos without tits resting on their heads." The caption for the flick on the right is, "Porn star Kelly Madison. You can't tell from this angle but she has a lovely personality."

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