Monday, August 18, 2008

Now and Then

I started getting into skateboarding in 2000.. I was 12 years old at the time and my neighbour Viviane and I used to just fuck around busting rocket ollies on our block and talking shit just to kill time. That same year Photosynthesis came out, it was the first skate video I ever purchased. It blew my mind then and still does every time I watch it. I remember that same week i bought it I went out and bought an alien workshop Dyrdek board at Underworld, I was on it.

I came across the trailer for Mind Field today while bored at work it got me very nostalgic to say the least. I like how they stayed true to the way it was filmed 8 years ago, half black and white half color.. lots of artsy shots of moving traffic. Check out the trailer by clicking on the post title. There are other clip links once your at the trailer.. check out Light Leak clip.. it starts off with a black and white football field scene... i wonder if this is foreshadowing of a Dill pole vault part two?


Tony Harrison said...

i don't think dill pole vaulted haha. pretty sure he threw a javelin.

TRIM said...

dude same shit! hahaha
fuck you chinese and your taking of olypic sports so srsly gawd hah!