Monday, November 17, 2008

We used to move work on Greyhounds

I spent my summer of 2005 venturing across Canada with Viviane by means of greyhound... as shitty as that sounds we actually had a ball. One of our last stops on the trip was a shitty little city in Ontario called Thunder bay. Why did we decide to stop in thunder bay you may ask? Well previous to our trip we decided to google "mini ramps in Canada" and we came up with some kid named Adam Hopkins' home built mini ramps... So we looked further into it and if my memory serves me right (which it rarely does these days) there was a 3 foot mini in his basement, a 4 foot with a 6 foot extension with the last foot made out of red brick in the backyard, and his very own vert ramp in his family's barn that was something like 12 or more feet i cant quite recall. As you've probably figured out by now I have an undeniable love for mini ramp sessions. So we emailed the young Adam who was only 14 at the time to ask if we could come through and skate the ramps. He replied yes and even told us that his mom would pick us up at the greyhound station...booyah! So I was 18 at the time... Vivianne was 20.. and poor Adam was a shy one and as soon as we got to his house hid in his room for a bit while we conversed and smoked cigs with his mom. They were a fantastic family, very welcoming and his mom was the best.. i think she drove us to value village when it was over and we drove around cursing at people and smoking butts. Anyways even little Adam got over his introverted behavior and skated the mini's with us. Lately I've heard that Adams grown up quite a bit and moved to Vancouver or something.. I've also spotted some flicks around that Owen's taken, good for you kid. Adam if you ever spot this here's me thanking you again... and i may need your moms number in case i decide to go visit her... Viviane and I do miss her so. Unfortunately, this is the only flick I have left of thunder bay.

Viviane and I having fun in the basement....but where's mommy?

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