Thursday, December 18, 2008

Lock Away Your Little Girls! Billy Jr's Born!

Billy has been a good friend of mine for soon to be 6 years now and anyone who knows Bill has been expecting this for years. I met up with Bill in Vancouver this summer and he informed me that he was having a little one. We joked around for a while about how it would probably be a girl because karma works in not so mysterious ways. When he told me he told his mom about the little bugger momma Gallagher's reaction was " well to be honest I'm surprised it hasn't happened sooner". Way to go Bill.

Anyways Bill has a good heart and I'm crazy happy for him. Little Luka was born a healthy little boy and i suggest women with young girls lock them up or buy some sort of diaper lock cause if he takes after his dad here comes trouble.

Owen is now in Saskatoon visiting and I'm way jealous. Wish I could be there, but trust that auntie Michelle will come visit soon.

Anyways i guess this post is an ode to billy of sorts, so why not include my favorite photo of all time, obvi Owen captured this perfect moment.

The reason he/she wrote this at lions park is questionable... I'm thinking it's some poor boy whose seen his girlfriend taken away, or possibly his sister... maybe even his mother. no wait that's more Watson's stee. haha

Anyways without further adu here's Luka


Tony Harrison said...

haha sick.

Watson said...

Hey come on, A mother is one thing, but someone else's mother? That's Benner territory. He did fuck Bram's mom after all.

I'm assuming you knew that?

TRIM said...

oh my fucking god!
benner fucked brams mom!
fucking guy right shit.
maybe thats why bram peed on brenners lap top.
maybe thats why bram pees on everything. yes